Friday, December 4, 2009


Here there is very little energy and are environmentally friendly hydropower is one of them. It is imperative that we take great care with the energy, we choose. Although there are some disadvantages of using hydropower (of which very few people actually) is lower than the limitations of other energy sources. Addition, there are some great advantages. Read the following articles in the data for the hydroelectric different aspects of hydropower and a fun event

History of Hydropower
Waterwheels built from ancient times. The Romans and the Egyptians and other civilizations were able to use it, but the first electric Waterwheel was built in 1882 in the United States. Hydropower has many advantages, hydroelectric dams that soon began to emerge across the United States (including Niagara Falls, as well). In 1911, the construction of Roosevelt Dam was completed (this is a stone masonry building the world's largest at that time). But the knowledge of geographic blocking the river is very limited, but the river does not flow to maintain their season. However, the need for hydropower is huge, and soon began building dams that blocked the entire river basins. Since then, hydropower has been a source of electricity.

Hydroelectric Power Generation
Known, energy can be converted from one form of another. In the thermal power, coal (or any other fossil fuel) is burned to produce electricity. Hydroelectric power plants, water before the electricity generation remains the same a generation later. What then is the source of energy in hydroelectric dams? The answer to this question is gravity. Hydroelectric dams convert the forces of gravity (which is excreted by the collapse of the water) into electricity.


* The advantages of hydropower generated from a clean source (gravity as explained above).
* The economic participation in hydropower is almost immune to crude oil prices. This makes for very cheap hydroelectric power to create.
* Large hydroelectric dam that water flows
* The greenhouse gas emissions is very small. (This occurs only indirectly, but not less.)
* Water sports, aquaculture and tourism are some other benefits


* Dam failure is the most expensive failures so far. The water flows through the dam in the main causes of flooding and residents have on this mortal danger.
* The areas where dams are located, their ecosystems are affected significantly. Dam that is flooding in the area, where it is blocked. In most cases have been altered or permanently damaged.
* Hydroelectric dam, more or less, demand deposits is very high. Population has moved into the area.

Hydroelectric interesting practical
Here are some facts known for hydropower.

* Hydroelectric dam to provide flood control along the electric
* Hydropower is the world's largest renewable energy.
* Hover Dam (built 1936) is visible from space.
* About 20% of the world that meet the needs through the generation of electricity, hydropower.
* China is the largest producer of electricity. The United States is in fourth place.
* Australia has a working power plant since 1885.
* Only fifteen percent of the electricity used by the state of California from hydroelectric dams.California is B.T.W. one of the largest electricity consumers across the world.
* Modern hydroelectric power plants tend to recover construction costs within eight to ten years.Operating costs are simply a time.

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