The Universe is the total of space, time, matter and energy. Our Earth is a small island of matter and energy in the vast sea of space-time, that the universe is! As they say, truth is stranger than fiction, and in the universe. The things that our scientists have found in the vast areas beyond our planet is incredible and beyond belief. The article collects some amazing and surprising facts about the universe, you cheated! To learn more about the origins of the universe, reading, "How the universe was created?
Stunning and amazing facts about the universe
The universe as we know it is amazing and wonderful place, full of surprises. Amazing facts on the ground or interesting facts about the solar system, only light in comparison to the grandeur and the Vastness of the rest of the universe. Come and learn some amazing facts about the world and in the sea of space-time as and when needed!
Amazing Facts about the Universe: galaxies
Here are some amazing facts about the Big Island of matter and energy, called Galaxy, we live in!
* Spiral galaxies in the swirls of the matter and energy, which is similar in the small oases vast empty spaces of our universe. We live in a galaxy we call the Milky Way!
* A light year the distance light travels in one year and approximately 9.4605284 × 1015 meters! Our Llaethog Way's disk is about 100,000 light years in diameter and about 1000 light years thick! It offers up to 400 billion stars like our sun!
* Estimated that about 100 billion galaxies and the universe. The nearest spiral galaxy to our Llaethog the Way, and Andromeda galaxy 2.6 million light years away! This galaxy is on a collision course with our galaxy, and collide with it in a few million years!
* In the center of each galaxy, the black hole! Even our own Milky Way has a supermassive black hole is center.
For more information about reading, 'Facts about Milky Way - The Galaxy'
Amazing Facts about the Universe: Introducing Black
Here are some amazing facts about the strangest objects in the universe called "Black Presentation.
* Black holes form when stars much more than the sun runs out of fuel and collapse under its own gravity zero volume, forming a hole in the use of space-time!
* When it comes to black holes, the line of Dante's Divine 'Comedy', 'give up all hope ye who enter here "is really true Nothing can escape the gravitational pull and amazing beat a black hole, not even light!
* The limit of a black hole is called "Event Horizon". Face of the event horizon is directly proportional to the entropy inside a black hole! Entropy is a measure of disorder in the system.
* Black holes are not completely black. They release radiation called "Hawking radiation" and eventually disappear!
To read more about it, 'Give black holes.
Amazing facts about the universe: pulsars
Here are some amazing facts about the stars of "pulse" or "Pulsars"
Pulsars * are spinning neutron stars with enormous magnetic fields of electromagnetic radiation is released. They form the core of the star exploded in Supernova!
* A pulsar is a beacon. As the beam passes in front of us at home regularly, the impulses of our press releases pass earth every 1.4 milliseconds and 8.5 seconds. This is because the result is amazing speed, while the release of radioactivity!
* When you find out first, the periodic nature of its radiation installation mistaken for a sign of alien civilization! Indeed, the origins of the first pulsar was nickname 'LGM' permanent 'Little Green Men!
Amazing Facts about the Universe: Quasars
Here are some amazing facts about the increased production of objects with incredible energy called "quasars.
* The quasars (quasi-objects serol) has been confusing to be stars, but then discovered that the galaxies. They have a very high redshift, which means they travel at speeds approaching the speed of light!
Quasars * very distant galaxies and energy, energy production unrivaled by any other object in the universe. Energy space for the same quasars with about 1 trillion (1012) sun!
* In the middle of the quasar, black hole that is swallowing dust and gas, courses through space. It is believed that the energy released by matter falling, so hot!
We hope that the amazing facts about the universe in their curiosity and stimulate imagination and curiosity to learn more about astronomy. Only takes telescope and look at the world beyond our land to see the grandeur of our universe, through their eyes of their own!
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