Do not celebrate these things that said red blood cell surface.
It was small, therefore, can not be observed under the microscope.
Everyone - the guilt of their parents and gr
andparents and several maternal grandparents, for all.
In fact, only identical twins, and this is th
e same antigen.
Must be all good
, but when it comes to blood transfusions, and there are two types of antigens are very important, be
closed to prevent serious complications of the system.

If you have a group of antigens in the blood, including red blood cells.
Of blood type B means that you have the B antigen, while the output, ie, the father of blood type to a series of both.
ABO system also includes objects of antibodies from plasma are much smaller, the natural defense against foreign antigens. Therefore, the blood plasma with anti-B blood group B had anti-A (may be that at this stage of the image). To make things complicated when the father of people of blood type or both antibodies. This means that it is bad ABO blood type of blood can be fatal. Deputy head of counter-attack cells and antibodies in group B, and vice versa. That is why we should not give a person's blood type, and the second group
Group O negative is a different story.
HR System blood group
Furthermore, it is more complicated, because there is a different antigen, should be considered - the antigen Rah. Some of us, and some of us do not. If so, the blood of the Rh blood type is positive, and if not, Rh negative.
For example, the group of some people and, therefore, classified as + (or positive). Despite the fact that those who do not, they (or, wait for it ...). negative then go to B, the father of the groups Loya
This effectively doubles the different blood types that were closed because it does not take blood type is A + blood type -.
Almost 95% of the population Rah positive. (Yes, this means that the remaining 5% of the population Rah - negative blood is running.)
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