Nanotechnology refers to the use of nanoparticles in size (typically 1-100 billionths of a meter a) particles with industrial or medical purposes according to their unique properties. The physical properties of the known elements and materials can change their surface, as the proportion of the surface is much greater, when they came to nanometer size. These changes do not occur in the transition from macro to micro. Changes in physical properties, such as colloidal properties, solubility and catalytic ability has been found useful in biotechnology, including bioremediation delivery.A and drug development in the treatment of cancer, along siRNAs (small interfering RNA ) treatment delivery with nanoparticles. In 1999, the RNA was first described as a new means of expression of the inhibitory protein in cells. However, the RNA-wire, often destroyed by cellular mechanisms, not reaching their goals. Nanoparticles offer the protection and realization of the RNA molecules to achieve the target tissues. Several companies have already entered clinical trials of therapies delivered nanoparticles RNA (Alper, 2006).
Molecular Self-Assembly phenomenon that the molecules self assemble to determine the stable configurations, based on atomic interactions such as hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic forces and van der Waals. "Bottom-up construction of nano particles created with molecular self-assembly to create a special structure, based on knowledge of these occur spontaneously. Application is the specific use of Watson-Crick bonding of D-DNA in nucleic acids defined structures with specific applications for construction. In others, a new application of self-assembly of molecular studies in Switzerland, proteins imported into the pores of polymer nanoparticles in the Assembly. sometimes at the surface of the matrix and the opening and closing to deliver drugs to specific environmental conditions (in this case, changes in pH) in cell (Broz et al. 2006). pores are opened or closed because they are pH, temperature and other environmental factors. The use of these nanoparticles in the pores can provide specific Biosensing under certain cellular conditions, such as insulin delivery systems of sugar in the blood indicate need.
After delivery of the goods is often desirable that once nano-particles to be eliminated or metabolized, ideally without the use of toxic side effects. In fact, the advantages of using nano-particles that have toxic side effects of traditional chemotherapy and radiation can only be avoided in the treatment of tumor cells or unhealthy and does not harm nearby healthy tissues.Some nanoparticles should be relatively safe because of their tendency to dissolve once the cells and the other in the team is already used in the biomedical field such as nano-particles of the same polymer used in sutures (Bullis, 2006.) As an approach, the benefits of nano-particles with immense power and include improving the bioavailability of drugs that target specific organs, tissues or tumors, so that waste is a high dose right here, when necessary, and as reduce the costs of degradation of the drug to its destination.
Nano medicine is a relatively new area of biotechnology, but the potential for new treatments and surgery to treat disorders and diseases such as cancer, seem endless. The concept of nano-robots and machines for cellular repair is feasible and will someday be as commonplace as taking an aspirin is today.
Very different characteristics of different types of nanoparticles have led to new applications. For example, the compounds are known as inert materials, can be catalysts. Extremely small size of nanoparticles can penetrate cells and interact with molecules in the cell. Nanoparticles are often unique electrical properties of semiconductors and the agents and excellent image.Because of these qualities, the science of nanotechnology fallen in recent years, testing and documentation of a wide range of new applications of nanoparticles, including nanomedicine.
The development of nanotechnology for medical purposes, Nana has become a priority of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Between 2004 and 2006, NIH's network of eight development centers in nanomedicine, as part of the NIH Nanomedicine Roadmap Initiative. In 2005, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has made 144.3 million over 5 years of the Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer Fund programs, seven centers of excellence in nanotechnology and cancer (Kim, 2007). This funding supports research projects in the field of diagnostic devices, biosensors, microfluidics and treatment.
Among the long-term goals of the initiative at the NIH, including the possibility of using nanoparticles to detect cancerous tumors grow, remove or replace "Broken" part of the cell or cells with miniature instruments, molecular biology and the size of the machines and machines using "like", as bombs or robots to deliver drugs and possibly in the body. All these ideas are possible on the basis of modern technologies. However, we do not know enough about the physical properties of intracellular structures and interactions between cells and nanoparticles to achieve all these objectives at present. The main objective is to NIH, to add to current knowledge of these interactions and cellular mechanisms, such as the one just built the nanoparticles can be incorporated without side effects.
Many types of nanoparticles are considered for use in nanomedicine. That the carbon skeleton-like structures such as fullerenes, micelles, or the type of lipid-based liposomes, which are already used for many applications in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Colloids are normally liposome nanoparticles are selected by their solubility properties and the suspension used in cosmetics, creams, protective coatings and stain resistant clothing. Other examples of carbon nanoparticles of chitosan and alginate literature-based nanoparticles for oral administration of proteins and polymers in the various studies for the delivery of insulin.
Additional nanoparticles can be metal and other inorganic substances such as phosphates. The nanoparticles of compounds that increase the MRI and ultrasound findings in the biomedical applications in the image VIVO. These usually contain metal particles, whose properties are radically altered at the nano scale. Gold "skins" Nano are useful in the fight against cancer, particularly soft tissue tumors because of its ability to absorb radiation at certain wavelengths.After installing the nanoshells in cancer and radiation, and energy-absorbing enough heat to kill cancer cells. The silver nanoparticles absorb positively charged single-stranded DNA and used for detection. Many other tools and devices for imaging in the detection system in vivo (fluorescence), and ultrasound and magnetic resonance contrast to improve development.
There are many examples of strategies to combat the disease in the literature, the use of nanoparticles. Often, especially for cancer treatment, the properties of the drug administration in combination with imaging techniques, such as cancer can be visually located in the course of treatment. The dominant strategy is to target cells by binding to specific antigens or biosensors others (eg, RNA chains) in the surface properties of nanoparticles revealed a specialized cell wall. After a definite target cells, the nanoparticles on the cell surface or enter the cell through a mechanism specially designed and operate.
Delivered to a drug, if the nanoparticles is also an agent for imaging, doctors can monitor the progress and spread of cancer cells is known. This particular orientation, and detection will help in the treatment of cancer spread and tumors difficult to secure and provide guidance on the spread of these diseases and others. It also prolongs the life of some drugs that should last longer than the nano-particles, when tumors were injected directly, because drugs are introduced many tumor spread before killing tumor cells.
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