Until about 40 years ago, the culture of agricultural production systems based on domestic resources, recycling organic matter, built in control samples and precipitation of biological mechanisms. Agricultural production is not high, but stable. Production of some crops or guarantees in various countries in the region, sheep, pests increase security or bad weather.Nitrogen inputs in the areas of crop rotation and beans. How effective life also prevents rotation breaks in the pest insects, weeds and diseases. A typical corn belt farmer to increase the number of hair by rotating crops, including soybeans, rice, small scale production, he is an animal. Most work is the opportunity to use the help of family members, and no special equipment or services purchased resources outside the farm.
But with the advancement of modernization of agriculture, ecological agriculture, ecological relationships often break the rules of neglect and / or most important. In fact, some agricultural scientists have reached a general agreement that the crisis facing modern agriculture and the atmosphere. A growing number of people began to worry about the production system is sustainable over the food. The accumulation of evidence that, if the current capital issues and technology-intensive agricultural systems are more profitable and competitive, but also bring economic and environmental and social
Evidence also suggests that the nature of agricultural structure to win the leadership of policy-privileged environment of large scale farm crisis, specialized production, crop and plantation monocultur
es. Today, farmers as more and more into the global economy, including the urgent need for diversity in the lack of a single economy in the pay scale. On the other hand, rotation and lack of diversification away from people critical mechanisms and regulations, so that agricultural cultivation fragile ecosystems with high inputs, high chemical dependency.
Extensive cultivation Today, monocultures have increased dramatically worldwide, mainly through a single dedicated area of land planted and this year was expanded to five plants with a production of species with soil. Available data show that plant diversity in the number of units reduced arable land, showing trends focus on agricultural land. Forces of political and economic influence tend to be located in a large area, such as through economies of scale and contribute significantly to the capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture, for the reward system is truly international market.
This technology allows a single transmission mechanization to improve crop varieties, development of agro-chemicals, agricultural fertilizer and control weeds and pests hill. In the last decade policy of the government's trade to encourage acceptance and use of technology.Therefore, today's farms with less capital investment, larger, more specialized, intensive agriculture. Regional level, a growth rate of just agriculture, agricultural infrastructure, full support (ie research, extension, supply, storage, transport, markets, etc.) will be more special.
From the ecological point of view, the consequences of a single-specialty area is manifold:
Components larger-scale agricultural system to prove a negative regarding the structure of agriculture, virtually no contact or related companies and land, crops and plant relations of domestic animals.
Nutrients, energy, water and waste programs will be more open, not closed as a natural ecosystem. Although many plant waste and distribution of agricultural production, it becomes difficult to restore food, and even in the agricultural system. Economic animal waste can not return to earth food production, recycling, because this system is geographically in other systems, will end the cycle of remote. In many areas, agricultural wastes has become a liability rather than resources. Nutrient cycling, the following downtown areas is very difficult.
The stable and susceptible to pests in agricultural ecosystems can be linked to parts of a single tree has grown a lot, its focus on specialized herbivores and plant sources, insect migration is increasing the area. Simplify and reduce the chance of enemies of the environment. So bad, it is always a large number of migrant pests, beneficial insects and frenuesit, good weather and vulnerable populations stages of production occur at the same time.
If no specific crops to enhance "natural" or better in the context of high potential for insect or a small amount of water, or lowland areas of birth, to strengthen control chemical control is necessary to prevent success factors. It is human intervention and level of input energy, the potential for long term expansion is unlimited.
Commercial farmers were seen as a biological stress and changes in the market to replace a variety of new plant varieties continue to march to speed up a level never before. To improve disease or insects, to make his first work for the (usually 5-9 years), as well as several years, and followed later by several others began to decline as production, production is threatened, orpromised more varieties become available. Orbit is characterized by various-off, the stage of approval by farmers, but the training phase, the stability of the cultivated area and restore its final area. Therefore, the stability constant supply of new varieties, more than a farm with many different types of quilt up as modern agriculture.
Need to finance the needs of a single operator in the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers increased, but effective use of agricultural inputs have decreased, in most major crops, crop provides about. In some areas, the actual rate of return is reduced. Not unusual for the causes of different views. Some people think that productivity tends to saturation, because the current near the maximum yield potential varieties, such genetic engineering should be applied to the task of re-planting techniques. Agroecologists, on the other hand, the leveling off is due to agriculture, through (3) non-sustainable practices in production base eroded.
The first wave of environmental problems
Unit specializes in production, leading to the image of agriculture is a miracle of modern food production. There is evidence, however, the tendency of many applications in agriculture and agricultural industry data as capital-intensive technologies, pesticides, fertilizers and chemicals in the environment and rural social negative effects. Agronomists Most received agricultural ecosystems / ecosystem was divided into two natural will not lead to undesirable consequences, however, unfortunately, disease ecology, the number of people "is to increase food production. They can be divided into two categories: Yuan Landscape patients, including erosion, soil fertility decline in consumption of reserve nutrients, salinity and alkalization, water system, loss of arable land style Phu, pollution, urban development, and biological communitiesof suffering, such as cutting the loss of wild plants and other sources of animal genetic resources, recovery of natural enemies to kill Insecticide resistance to diseases and pesticides, genetic, chemical and pollution control mechanisms of bodily harm. Under the centralized management, treatment conditions, such as "disease" that requires growth in the context of external costs in agriculture, energy and investment is expected number of systems provide more harvest force.
Rate of return of 20-30%, the more crops from pests in crops (about losing), despite significantly increased use of pesticides (about 5 million kg of active ingredient in the world) is a symbol of environmental impact agricultural crisis. It is well known, plant gene homologous to plant trees there, the only mechanism to protect the ecological needs of demographic affected by an outbreak of pests. Choice for modern agriculture with high yield, high palatability of cash crops, making them more vulnerable to natural resistance to pests and their productivity. On the other hand, modern agricultural practices, negatively affect pests, natural enemies can not find the necessary resources and prevent environmental business opportunities are unique and effective pest biology. Because of this lack of control over nature, 40 billion dollars in pesticide control investment income each year of a U.S. farmer is estimated to save about 160 billion U.S. dollar plant. However, indirect costs of pesticide use, environmental and public health should be a balance of interests. According to available data, the environment (impacts on wildlife, pollinators, natural enemies, fisheries, water, and the development of resistance) and toxicity social costs (human and disease) the use of pesticides 8,000,000,000 dollars a year (5) .Concern is the growing use of pesticides. The data shows,
Fertilizer, the other, called high over the temporary increase in food production in many countries has been found. Nitrate apply to the average national inconsistency between the majority of agricultural land 120-550 kg N / ha. However, generous harvest at least partially through the use of chemical fertilizers, relevant, and often hidden costs. One of the main causes of chemical fertilizer pollution of the environment is the result of careless use and the fact that the use of inefficient crops. Recovery of fertilizer plant that is not last in the atmosphere, mainly on the surface or underground. Nitrate pollution of aquifers and is widespread in many rural areas of the world and high risk. In the
Fertilizer nutrients in surface water (rivers, lakes, bays, etc.) can promote eutrophication, characterized initially by population explosion of algae photosynthesis. Flowers alkalme the country into a bright blue, to prevent penetration of light below the surface, to kill plant life below.Death of other plants as food for aquatic organisms rapidly consume oxygen in the water, prevents organic waste, while collection of decomposition. Finally, this has led to eutrophication of freshwater ecosystems in the system destroyed all animal life.
Fertilizer can be air pollutants, and, finally the ozone layer and global warming, destruction involved. Their use of excessive and acidification / soil salinity and high pest and disease through a series of negative changes in plant nutrition.
Naturally, the first wave of environmental problems are deeply rooted in a social and economic system of distribution and promotion of a single operation and use of hi-input agriculture and high technology practice led to the degradation of natural resources. This is not only the degradation of ecological processes, but also social and political and economic processes (9).This is why the issue of agricultural production, not just a technology, review, but agreed that representatives of the forces of production, as part of the problem, attention to social issues, cultural and economic crisis is very important account. This is especially true today, especially in the development agenda and policy of the dominant rural economy to thrive and consumers of agriculture, farm workers, farm families, small animals, at the expense of the environment (10) rural communities.
In the second wave of environmental problems.
Despite awareness of the environmental impact of high technology, pesticides and nutrients to plants, we trace the food chain, aquifiers, but are faced with challenges of the 21st century, still stands up to further strengthening to meet the needs of production agriculture. This is a premise, we are supporters of the status of the appointment of Agriculture "to celebrate the last dose of revolutionary nature" in their products based on the emergence of agricultural biotechnology to make agriculture a better environment and more efficient services for farmers .Although clearly some form of non-biological and technological changes to improve agriculture and for the direction and control of transnational corporations now have hope, have many schools for environmental damage to ensure the further industrialization of agriculture and excessive intervention benefits capacity in the area of study.
Irony here is, biorevolution the same interests (Monsanto, Novartist, Dupont, etc.) to promote agricultural production based around agrochemically first, but this time, the equipment, factory new "Every time I find insecticidal, they hope that a world safer pesticides, chemical-intensive agriculture and reduce more stable.
However, because transgenic crops follow closely simulate pesticides, such as bio-technology products, but to strengthen agricultural pesticide treadmill, mountain ecosystems, and therefore legalization, and many scientists have modified organisms can be genetically create an environment of risk, expressed concern.
Now, research in this field and provide ecological theory, indicated that the release of genetically modified crops can be summarized as follows in relation to risk of school environment:
This tendency is made by the company for a great product in the international market, so the conditions of the rural landscape genetics. History has repeatedly shown that large-scale planting of single species is very easy to match with pathogens or new variations of pests;
Spread of genetically modified crops a threat to facilitate crop breeding system and genetic erosion, promoting genetic diversity;
Accident Potential for relatives "of genetically modified plants and unpredictable ecological impact. Semidomesticated In Herbicide-resistant transgenic crops or wild relatives (HRCs) can lead to the creation of super weeds;
These insects may more rapidly develop resistance to BT crops, sex and drugs. Many Lepidoptera species reported in both development and testing, anti-BT toxin, indicating that major resistance problems, it can be the basis of BT crops, with stable expression of toxin formation of a strong selection pressure;
BT toxin in crops will issue the relationship between the use of a severe negative effects on ecological processes and potential non-target organisms. Research conducted in Scotland, evidence that aphids are able to crops held by British Telecom and the transfer of toxin to its coccinellid predators, affecting reproduction and longevity of Beetles benefit;
Toxins, BT can also include local materials and waste, where they are still 2-3 months, yet rugged combination of clay particles against degradation, while maintaining active toxic, leading to a negative impact on the invertebrates and nutrient cycling;
Expression between infection by new gene transcription and RNA-RNA gene selection of a new genotype of the virus, the virus sequence may be possible risks of genetically modified plants;
An important environmental issues and increasing size of anti-virus related viruses can be derived from genetically modified crops to wild relatives of genetically modified through pollen flow.
Although genetically modified plants and microorganisms in the environmental impact of the release of a number of questions unanswered, biotechnology is to aggravate the problem of agriculture and promote the traditions of a just destroyed the ecological farming methods, such as rotation and polycultures. Since genetically modified crops in developing countries stressed that control pest control equipment, it has proved a failure, insects, weeds and pathogens, re-use, genetically modified crops can increase the use of pesticides and high-speed super weeds, "Evolution" and other insects, resistant varieties. Opportunities alarming, especially considering the period 1986-1997, about 25,000 field trials of genetically modified crops has been more than 60 properties around the world is, in 1045 the national culture. In 1997, worldwide use of transgenic crops reached 12.8 million ha. 72% of all field tests of GM crops in the
In traditional agriculture, the number of alternatives.
Reduction, agricultural chemicals especially important changes should be addressed to ensure adequate crop nutrients and crop pest control. Once this is done several decades ago, nutrients to maintain soil fertility, including fertilizer, sludge sewage and other organic wastes, as well as planting beans mountains. The benefits of rotation is due to the biology of nitrogen fixed and a continuous grass, insects and disease processes. Animals, breeding can be unified company to provide rice and animal waste, to make better production of food. Bar, the largest benefits of integration can be accomplished livestock, crops, livestock and other agricultural resources for development and cooperation to optimize design efficiency behind the production, cycling nutrients and plant protection.
Cat orchards and vineyards, including the use of crops to improve soil fertility, soil structure and water infiltration, soil erosion, modify the microclimate and reduce weed competition.Entomology research and cover the ground for an orchard garden show clean system showed a lower rate compared to other plant pests. This is due to high abundance and natural enemies, parasitic bee and flower-rich performance.
More and more researchers have shown that it could provide an environment that balances long-term yield, fertile land and high biological natural design different agro-ecological systems, and low level of technology, use of inputs to animal management wild pest. Many plants in the country's agricultural systems are tested, such as double producers, farming sheds, including agricultural and alternative livestock, farmers in all such actual practice shows that this system led to good recovery of organic matter, nutrient turnover, closed energy flows, water and soil conservation and evil enemies natural balance of the population. So many add-agricultural use due to crops, trees, and space and time sequence (15) combination of different animals.
In essence, optimal behavior depends on the agricultural ecosystem interaction of different levels of antibiotics and abiotic components. Functions of the Assembly of biodiversity, synergy it can begin to provide benefits, such as biological activity of soil ecosystem services in the agricultural ecology, quality bicycle maintenance nutrition, beneficial insects and opponents of increased, and more. There are various choices of practices and technologies, as well as what effect different and strategic value.
Obstacles for alternatives
Search in agricultural ecology approach to diversify and medium and small farms and agricultural and food policy to reshape the entire system, revitalization of farmers and consumers economically feasible use. In fact, there are hundreds of actions around the world to follow changes in agricultural systems from an ecological sensitivity of different perspectives.Some market emphasis on organic products useful for production, land management, while other farmers in the community. But in general, our goal is basically the same: an independent food safety, basic maintenance of natural resources and capacity to ensure social justice and economic life.
The situation is what some of the subject group for the purpose of technology determinism ", and as an important strategy to focus only on the development and promotion of low input or appropriate technology, if technology they have the ability to help initiate social change .
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