Arthroscopy Ahr (pronounced Kuh-arthrosis-PEE) is a technique of using another tool called Medical arthroscopy. This tool is vertical and the cylinder as a series of lenses and optical fiber bundles, which come at a rate of 1 / 12-1 / 5 inches (2 to 5 mm.) Arthroscopy used to examine the numbers in the body such as elbows, ankles, knees, hips and shoulders. This is done by arthroscopy, which is inserted into the body through a small incision. The light is then transmitted by optical fibers to the tip to illuminate the arthroscopy in general. The use of fiber optics using arthroscopy enables the doctor to examine carefully a number of examination or treatment.
attributes used in surgery. Most treat torn cartilage in knee arthroscopy. In other words, when a small incision in the common use of arthroscopy perspective, followed by a second incision to perform other surgical instruments to remove the cartilage. The main advantage of using fiber optic arthroscopic surgery is that surgery may be performed small incision, which causes the patient discomfort and the minimum duration of treatment is much lower compared to other methods of surgery.
In addition to the use of endoscopes and Artroskoper, another widely used function of the fiber optics in medicine is the ability of fibers to be included in the blood vessels to provide fast and accurate analysis of blood chemistry. The doctors also found that the medical use of fiber optics to direct an intense laser radiation in the wound to stop bleeding or abnormal tissue burn.Formation of fibers required in the field of medicine. Optical fiber medical science is growing rapidly every day, to continue developing new and modern medical equipment for doctors, that people have better service.
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