Let's start with adhesions. Several factors distinguish DNA from RNA.
Definitive Portuguese:
DNA is a nucleic acid that the genetic instructions used in the development and includes the operation of all known living organisms. RNA is a polymer of nucleic acids, an important role in the process of genetic information from deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) into protein products playing.
Job role and profile:
DNA is a tool for storing and transporting genetic information. RNA facilitates the transfer of messages from DNA to ribosomes (it's complex composition of proteins).
Physical and configuration:
DNA is a molecule - the double strand. It is a long chain of nucleotides. Single-stranded RNA is a molecule that is relatively short chains of nucleotides.
Location, location, location:
DNA in the nucleus, the genetic material, and deoxiribose sugar. RNA can be attributed to the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
Training Base:
DNA is reliable AT (adenine-thymine) and GC (guanine-cytosine). RNA is reliable as AU (Adenine-Uracil) and GC (guanine-cytosine).
Factors of stability:
Deoxyribose sugar in DNA is less reactive because the bonds are dominated by CH. It is stable under alkaline conditions. They have fewer channels, where the enzyme can bind damaged. This makes it difficult for the enzyme to attack the DNA. Ribose sugar in RNA is more reactive because of the C-OH (hydroxyl) bonds. It is very stable under alkaline conditions. RNA has more slots, making it easy to attack by enzymes (the weak link!).
Geometric facts:
Geometry of the DNA helix has B-form. RNA is the geometry of the A-helix form.
The body destroys the enzymes that break down the DNA. UV rays can cause serious damage to the DNA. RNA is made, analyzed and used again and again.RNA is more resistant to damage caused by ultraviolet (okay, here is a weak RNA-link!).
The typical difference between the two is the difference between sugar in both. DNA-sugar deoxysibose AMD RNA is Ribose sugar. The two differ on one point that is greater than OH Ribose sugar deoxyribose.
DNA and RNA are different. Each one is very important for the proper functioning of the other. Whatever the characteristics of a person as a result of the composition of the storage function of DNA and RNA.
My attempt for this article was to support a general understanding of the complex of these two elements, so the review (intended) easier. Hopefully at the end of the paper, the conditions do not appear in Greek and Latin!
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