How are headaches classified?
Headaches have many causes, and in 2007 the International Headache Society has agreed on updated classification system for headache. Because so many people suffer from headaches, treatment, and because it is sometimes difficult, the new classification system allows health professionals to fully understand the more specific diagnosis to better and more effective treatment regimens.
There are three main categories of headaches:
primary headache,
secondary headache, and
Cranial neuralgia, facial pain and headaches
What are the primary headache?
Primary also migraine headaches, tension headaches and groups, and many other less common forms of headache.
Tension Headaches are the most common form of primary headache, as much as 90% of adults have had or will have tension headaches. Tension Headache is more common in women than in men.
Another type of migraine are the most common primary headaches. Estimated 28 million people in the U.S. (approximately 12% of the population) will experience migraines. Migraine in children and adults. Before puberty boys and girls are equally affected by migraine, but after puberty more women than men are affected. Estimated 6% of men and 18% of women will experience migraines.
Headaches are a rare type of ammunition primary headaches that 0.1% of the population.Approximately 85% of people who suffer from headaches dispersion men. The average age of people suffering from cluster headache was 28-30 years, although headaches start in May in childhood.
Primary headaches affect quality of life. Some people have occasional headaches that can be quickly resolved, while others are weakened. Tension, migraine, headache, and groups are not life threatening.
What are secondary headaches?
Secondary headaches are attributable to the underlying structural problems the head or neck.There are many reasons for this type of headache, bleeding from the brains, tumor, or meningitis and encephalitis. What is cranial neuralgia facialis pain and headaches?
Inside, pain, nerve neuralgia (neuro = nerve + pain = algia). Cranial neuralgia describes a group of headaches that occur because the nerves of the head and neck, enthusiastic and a major source of pain. Facial pain and many other causes of headache are included in this category.
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