The main source of carbon in the world today is obtained from coal deposits that are mined, and coal is known to be very stable. There are 3 allotropic forms of carbon occurs naturally - graphite, diamond and amorphous. Quality, which has more carbon used is that it can be combined with almost any other element, and the number and variety are many useful substances. The most common carbon compounds is water, carbon forms in combination with hydrogen. Read more about carbon.
Joint use of carbon
In its elemental carbon may have very limited use. But this feature can prove very useful substance for a number of things for a combination with another element.Some of them are joint use of carbon.
* Used as a tool for decorating jewelry items.
* Used as a base ink which is used in inkjet printers.
* Used in the tires of cars as a pigment black smoke.
* Plants coal is sometimes used as a bleaching or absorption of gas.
* Carbon (such as carbon dioxide) is also used in soft drinks and sparkling, fire, and also in the form of dry ice, if they are in solid form.
* In metals, carbon monoxide is also used as reducing agents to attract many other elements and compounds. * Carbon in the form of "Freon" is also used for equipment and cooling systems.
* Many knives heat resistant metal tools and devices are manufactured with carbon.
Using the element carbon - graphite
Graphite is allotropic form of carbon, which is used for different purposes. Among the materials found in nature, graphite is a soft substance. Two main applications of graphite.
* Used as a lubricant.
* Used as the lead in pencils.
* In the form of coke, which is used in steel production.
Using the element carbon - diamond

Uses carbon body
In addition to these uses, the body also needs carbon phase almost all of its development and existence. Carbon acts as a macro-nutrients for the body, and it takes a lot. This is confirmed by the fact that every part of the body contains and requires large quantities of this element. This element is used as a cornerstone for many life processes become more complex and important. Carbon in our bodies, which brings together many different atoms within the body together and makes them self-consistent use of growth. Read more about the content of carbon dioxide in the blood.
Carbon dating
It is a method commonly used to determine the age of many fossils and minerals, which were for many centuries. Radioactive isotope of carbon known as carbon-14 is used to complete this work. Things lived one thing can be dated precisely to their origins by using this technique. Also, read about carbon dating accuracy.
The number of substances which are made of atoms, are about ten million. Entire field of chemistry known as organic chemistry is devoted to study of the properties and uses of carbon in many forms. Carbon benefits to the human body and many other industrial uses are unique, and these features combine to make carbon a crucial element to sustain human life.
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