Less visible but more important is the fact that carbon has a role in almost all biological processes require that our life is. Carbon plays a role in the development of fuels, plastics and pharmaceutical industries, we make our lives safer, more comfortable and fun to use.
What's more carbon is important that the process of fusion catlyst in the stars, only 10% larger than our Sun Our Sun, 2%, which is coming from carbon-catalyzed fusion process.
Formula / Symbol: C
Classification: Non-metallic
Melting Point: 3500.0 ° C
Boiling Point: 4827.0 ° C
Color: black, but clear and colorless diamonds is in the formDensity: 2.267 g / cm 3 (in the form of graphite)
3513 g/cm-3 (diamond)
The pure carbon has eleven different forms or allotropes appeared. All forms of carbon stable at room temperature, are relatively resistant to chemical corrosion and heat, all burns the CO and CO2 at high temperature in the presence of oxygen.
The difference between the forms can be subtle, and in our daily practice, we meet them first in one of the three main forms:
* Graphite
* Lamp black

Generally seen as "leadership" the tip of a pencil. Graphite is so soft that we used to prop city cleaning, stationery, from the mid 16th century.
Generally seen as "leadership" the tip of a pencil. Graphite is so soft that we used to prop city cleaning, stationery, from the mid 16th century.
Lamp Black
Lamp Black is a fine powder left the fire burning. It is very black, and serves to light in situations where the absorption of light is mostly to absorb light and frequency independent.
Buckey balls and nanotubes
Lamp Black is a fine powder left the fire burning. It is very black, and serves to light in situations where the absorption of light is mostly to absorb light and frequency independent.
Buckey balls and nanotubes
In the past 25 years we have discovered that coal is a hollow structure like a geodesic dome informally as "Bucky Balls". May, in fact, the carbon atoms in the form of both houses, but the leads which, if classified as fibers, may contribute to the making of composite materials with strength / weight ratio, which is much bigger than you used to make steel, they . Potential for the use of this material may lift a "space".
Chemical properties
As a unique and interesting as the carbon in its pure form, is the real magic of carbon from its ability to act as a clipboard in mechanical-chemical we must act as "bio-chemical.
As the name suggests, organic chemistry, the chemistry of life. But it is also necessary that the chemical fuels, solvents, plastics, used for the production of pharmaceutical products and much more.
One of the qualities of coal and the unique ability to create four covalent bonds, so they connect with each other at the carbon chains of various lengths and configurations, or participate with another carbon atom determine the form of chemical compounds to create unique and specific .
Hydrogen plays a special role in the chemistry of carbon as the end "of the map" ... Where does the carbon chain of carbon atoms of hydrogen. This special relationship between the carbon and hydrogen is so important that the study of chemistry known as "oil", which is a combination of only carbon and hydrogen atoms door.
Use and application:
Carbon used in many different forms, some of which are:
* Activated carbon filter for water purification;
* Graphite mixed with clay to a "lead" in the form of pencils;
* Diamonds are used for jewelry, cutting tools and abrasives for use in the mechanical grinding and extraction;
* Carbon black, or "soot" is like a light absorbing materials are used;
* Be used carbon in the form of coal as fuel for heating and production of mechanical energy production, transport and the creation of electricity;
* Be refined hydrocarbons derived from fossil oil based primarliy in their raw form for use as fuel and lubricants, and used as the basis for the production of organic chemicals, plastics and pharmacutical industries.
* Powdered graphite is used in machines such as dry lubricant;
* Carbon dating is a technique for the estimated time that the carbon content in the archaeological monument is estimated from C02 in the atmosphere.
* Fixed Carbon or "coke" is used as a reducing agent to refine the metals from their ores.
Important compounds and derivatives:
Carbon is oxidized to CO2 emissions of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, CO, fires in abundance or limited presence of oxygen, respectively.
CO2 and CO are very reactive, especially when mixed with water. Since these two types, or petroleum or petroleum hydrocarbons, organic chains, literally thousands of carbon-containing compounds can be derived.
Preparation work:
Soot, or "soot", the burning of the glass or glass over an open flame like a candle or Bunsen be achieved.
Industrial Preparation
Soot is produced on an industrial scale by burning oil in a stream of air restricted environment. Carbon particles collected on a reversal of the cloth or paper filter.
Carbon can be recovered from coal or wood for heating these materials, in the absence of air per unit of volatile substances which raw coal, also called "Coca Cola".
Industrial diamonds by subjecting other forms of carbon at high pressure and emperature more can be produced.
Naming Conventions:
Carbon in various forms only:
* Carbon black;
* Graphite;
* Coca-Cola;
* Buckey balls;
* Carbon nanotubes;
* Fullerenes;
Carbon compounds are based on the IUPAC nomenclature system, in accordance with the common name since the beginning of the derivation and use of specific organic chemicals derived names.
As a unique and interesting as the carbon in its pure form, is the real magic of carbon from its ability to act as a clipboard in mechanical-chemical we must act as "bio-chemical.
As the name suggests, organic chemistry, the chemistry of life. But it is also necessary that the chemical fuels, solvents, plastics, used for the production of pharmaceutical products and much more.
One of the qualities of coal and the unique ability to create four covalent bonds, so they connect with each other at the carbon chains of various lengths and configurations, or participate with another carbon atom determine the form of chemical compounds to create unique and specific .
Hydrogen plays a special role in the chemistry of carbon as the end "of the map" ... Where does the carbon chain of carbon atoms of hydrogen. This special relationship between the carbon and hydrogen is so important that the study of chemistry known as "oil", which is a combination of only carbon and hydrogen atoms door.
Use and application:
Carbon used in many different forms, some of which are:
* Activated carbon filter for water purification;
* Graphite mixed with clay to a "lead" in the form of pencils;
* Diamonds are used for jewelry, cutting tools and abrasives for use in the mechanical grinding and extraction;
* Carbon black, or "soot" is like a light absorbing materials are used;
* Be used carbon in the form of coal as fuel for heating and production of mechanical energy production, transport and the creation of electricity;
* Be refined hydrocarbons derived from fossil oil based primarliy in their raw form for use as fuel and lubricants, and used as the basis for the production of organic chemicals, plastics and pharmacutical industries.
* Powdered graphite is used in machines such as dry lubricant;
* Carbon dating is a technique for the estimated time that the carbon content in the archaeological monument is estimated from C02 in the atmosphere.
* Fixed Carbon or "coke" is used as a reducing agent to refine the metals from their ores.
Important compounds and derivatives:
Carbon is oxidized to CO2 emissions of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, CO, fires in abundance or limited presence of oxygen, respectively.
CO2 and CO are very reactive, especially when mixed with water. Since these two types, or petroleum or petroleum hydrocarbons, organic chains, literally thousands of carbon-containing compounds can be derived.
Preparation work:
Soot, or "soot", the burning of the glass or glass over an open flame like a candle or Bunsen be achieved.
Industrial Preparation
Soot is produced on an industrial scale by burning oil in a stream of air restricted environment. Carbon particles collected on a reversal of the cloth or paper filter.
Carbon can be recovered from coal or wood for heating these materials, in the absence of air per unit of volatile substances which raw coal, also called "Coca Cola".
Industrial diamonds by subjecting other forms of carbon at high pressure and emperature more can be produced.
Naming Conventions:
Carbon in various forms only:
* Carbon black;
* Graphite;
* Coca-Cola;
* Buckey balls;
* Carbon nanotubes;
* Fullerenes;
Carbon compounds are based on the IUPAC nomenclature system, in accordance with the common name since the beginning of the derivation and use of specific organic chemicals derived names.
Carbon was probably the first discovery of coal in prehistoric times when, like the rest of the incomplete combustion of wood and other plant material. The use and the "prehistoric smelting of minerals and brass possible late Iron Age. Element name comes from the Latin name "carbon" for the wood carbonized derivatives.
Until the modern era of carbon to other minerals of similar appearance, as molydenite (MoS2) and confusing.
From 1779 still a graphite, a form of leadership as Carl Wilhelm Scheele showed that graphite produces the same amount of carbon dioxide per gram of amorphous carbon. Name of graphite, the material was assigned to AG Werner in 1789 from ypa4ew Greek, "because of that, the mineral that is quiet, and require the production of pencils
In 1789 Antoine Lavoisier as acidifiable oxidizable carbon and metallic elements contained in his first chemistry book Traité élémentaire de Chimie. In 1772, showed that diamonds are a form of carbon. He did it by burning and careful examination of samples of diamond and carbon to show that no two the same amount of water vapor and carbon dioxide per gram ..
In 1985 he discovered a new form of carbon Harold Kroto (Sussex University), Robert Curl, Jr. (Rice University), and Richard Smalley (Rice University). The new module is called "full buck Minister rene ', because the molecules are similar to the geodesic domes designed by Fuller Buck Minister for the 1967 World's Fair."Bucky Balls" are training the next generation, as a lubricant, drug delivery systems, industrial catalysts, and nano-scale machines.
Carbon was probably the first discovery of coal in prehistoric times when, like the rest of the incomplete combustion of wood and other plant material. The use and the "prehistoric smelting of minerals and brass possible late Iron Age. Element name comes from the Latin name "carbon" for the wood carbonized derivatives.
Until the modern era of carbon to other minerals of similar appearance, as molydenite (MoS2) and confusing.
From 1779 still a graphite, a form of leadership as Carl Wilhelm Scheele showed that graphite produces the same amount of carbon dioxide per gram of amorphous carbon. Name of graphite, the material was assigned to AG Werner in 1789 from ypa4ew Greek, "because of that, the mineral that is quiet, and require the production of pencils
In 1789 Antoine Lavoisier as acidifiable oxidizable carbon and metallic elements contained in his first chemistry book Traité élémentaire de Chimie. In 1772, showed that diamonds are a form of carbon. He did it by burning and careful examination of samples of diamond and carbon to show that no two the same amount of water vapor and carbon dioxide per gram ..
In 1985 he discovered a new form of carbon Harold Kroto (Sussex University), Robert Curl, Jr. (Rice University), and Richard Smalley (Rice University). The new module is called "full buck Minister rene ', because the molecules are similar to the geodesic domes designed by Fuller Buck Minister for the 1967 World's Fair."Bucky Balls" are training the next generation, as a lubricant, drug delivery systems, industrial catalysts, and nano-scale machines.
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