Technology is a double-edged sword, and must therefore be treated with responsibility. Genetic engineering is nothing but the technology of genetic material, which is designed to replicate the genetic material of living organisms, plants, animals or humans. Genetic engineering involves the creation of recombinant DNA molecules, DNA, and splicing quickly fragments similar or different organisms.
Genetic engineering has been introduced in several areas. Transgenic plants, resistant plants have been established, which helped to increase the quantity and quality of food crops, which can only mean an increase in the supply of food for the needy. Scientists have also discovered a way to modify somatic cells and thus alter the genetic people on the treatment of certain diseases or illnesses. Thus, advances in genetic engineering is considered a positive phenomenon. However, there are some problems in this area, we wonder whether the practice of genetic engineering can be considered valid and inoffensive in the range of ethics.
Genetic engineering will create transgenic plants, which are nothing but a crossroads of different plant species. Often, this type of medicine or engineering techniques are conducted to improve the quantity and quality, if the income. However, the creation of genetically modified through the creation of various types in general. In addition, several questions were raised about the harmful effects of genetically modified plants.
First, it was noted that genetically modified plants that have been made from sustainable pest, it has also damaged several other insects. Thus, the creation of insect resistant varieties, make sure it does not drive any insect, insects or other on the edge of extinction. Creating a larger, there is the possibility that insects can develop resistance to this element of pesticides in vegetables and.
The larger ethical issue of genetic engineering concerned with the creation of beings who live outside the genetic material. Human cloning, or the passage of animals and human genes for the creation of living beings will lead to different types of creatures. There may be several things that can happen unethical, such as the creation of living organisms and use them as servants or slaves. Thus, precautions must be taken, who can use these technological advances, and what threats are unethical, that should be avoided.
Moreover, the ethical issue is that most people have already cited in this reference that the application of genetic engineering to create life forms similar to "play God" and take control of creating and destroying life on Earth. While on the one hand, the possibility of genetic engineering to treat diseases and health conditions is a huge advantage, and the possibilities of abuse are numerous.
Every new technology has its advantages and disadvantages. However, you can not ban the technology useful for potential abuse. Say no to genetic engineering would be like refusing to enter the Internet because you're afraid of your e-mail may be cut. The simplest solution is to use technology with great caution. Technology is not inherently good or bad, it is the will of the people who use it.
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