A relatively new method of stimulation, laser acupuncture often uses low-energy laser beam instead of the traditional needle acupuncture affect the current flow in the acupuncture points. In addition to traditional medicine, acupuncture, laser, are generally preferable procedure for the effective treatment of painful conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, knee arthritis and chronic headaches in children. Most doctors laser acupuncture have a deep knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, as well as a clear idea of how acupuncture points on multiple functions.
Expert usually has a laser beam of light from a laser tube to acupuncture points, calling it similar to acupuncture needles do. Laser beam, visible red emission of gases helium and neon, as a rule, heating of acupuncture points. During the procedure, laser acupuncture, the physician may hold the rod firmly acupuncture points in the period, which can range from ten seconds to two minutes. The length of the beam as a rule, depends on the amount of tissue laser, the power to penetrate the physician must be in one place. Sometimes the doctor may also use invisible infrared laser.
Laser acupuncture is used mainly for two reasons: analgesic effect and the stimulation of acupuncture points in the treatment program. This procedure has some clear advantages over traditional needle method. Many patients are usually afraid of needles, such as children, preferably laser acupuncture. Using a laser, is typically a non-invasive procedure, aseptic, which significantly reduces pain and recovery time associated with invasive treatment. Typically, laser acupuncture can treat the same number of complaints, such as acupuncture needles.
When laser therapy significantly reduces the trauma patient, and usually a good choice for the treatment of conditions where the risk of cross infection is high efficacy of this treatment is often limited to peripheral issues. Acupuncture points in the patient's hands, feet and ears generally respond to laser acupuncture. Deeper abdominal points usually do not benefit from treatment, because most laser beams are used can not penetrate the 0.19-inch (5 mm).
Some acupuncture clinics have invested in a user's system and intelligent laser acupuncture. This relatively new system can be largely controlled and monitored remotely via the Internet. In such systems, as a rule, the software automatically detects the meridian points and a laser beam to be more under control.
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